Wow...Week 3 begins. It's a very confusing and disconcerting time. Stay calm....connect with us whenever you can. We are here to support you.
Today we began the move to Class Dojo. You may have already received your "invitation." Thank you for accepting! This new platform will help us consolidate our online learning resources AND it allows us to see WHO is connecting and who we might be missing. You can communicate directly with your classroom teachers, upload photos or student work, and receive personal or group communication from the teacher. Class Dojo also has the capability to translate, so we can reach more families.
I will keep this website going, add my daily 2 cents, and stay connected here as long as it serves a purpose. However, you will be able to communicate directly with your teacher through Class Dojo, so please accept the invitaion and GET CONNECTED!
The district is also working on a long-term plan for resources that does not require technology. This will take some time to develop, so please be patient.
In the meantime, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has put forth the following guidelines:
We recommend that districts support students to engage in meaningful and productive learning for approximately half the length of a regular school day. We expect this learning to take place via a combination of educator provided resources and student self-directed learning.
We strongly recommend that districts and schools focus on reinforcing skills already taught this school year and applying and deepening these skills. We recognize that in some cases, teachers and students may wish to continue with new material, particularly at the high school level. In these cases, districts should consider equity of access and support for all students.
The individual student experience will vary depending on student age, individual and family needs, access and capacity for remote learning (including access to technology and internet), and the ongoing health of students, families, and staff.
Let us know what we can do for you! I will send out another personal message by video soon. I am also going to do a read-aloud video of one of my favorite books. Stay tuned Aborn Families!
Miss you and love you, Stay well!
Mrs. Spiess