March 20, 2020
Welcome to Day 5. TGIF people! One week many more to go??
I know our Aborn students have been busy this week. Great job staying engaged and working on your reading, math, and writing skills. Thank you for sharing some photos and videos with us. You might be wondering what your teachers have been up to! Here’s a quick update:
Miss Angus is working on creating a video of Lynn Woods, with lots of interesting information about its history. She is also working on a gardening video. Can’t wait to see them!
Mrs. Rubalcava has already uploaded one read-aloud video and is busy working on others. Stay tuned!
Mrs. Samuelson is writing post cards to each one of her students. She hopes to hear back from all of you, either by email or snail mail. HINT HINT! She has this request: “I would like Room 11 to write a letter and draw a picture of what they have been doing this week to their Kindergarten buddy.”
Ms. Bucco wrote a letter to all her students to share online passwords for Prodigy and Epic, two sites she can then monitor from home. She sends love from Molly, her cat!
Mrs. Gagner is catching up on her professional reading, all while homeschooling her own kids. She also plans on watching some basic computer training videos to sharpen her technology skills.
Mrs. Gallant has created a science resource (see K page) and she is writing letters to her students. She plans on creating some social studies activities next and hoping to pack up week 3 and 4 for her class to be dropped off at their homes next week.
Mrs. Sheehan is working on a writing project based on The Mysteries of Harris Burdick by Chris Van Allsburg in line with The Chronicles of Harris Burdick. Stay tuned!
Mrs. Bannister writes that she is working on a dyslexia certification by watching webinars and writing a summary of each. She also plans on recording herself reading a story.
Miss Marren writes:
Hello Room 7,
I miss you all and hope that you are all doing well. I have been checking our learning sites and I see some of you working hard. Keep up the good work. If you haven't been on any of our sites now would be a great time to hop on and check them out. Remember, a little bit everyday helps. I find myself going a little stir crazy, not being allowed to leave the house. I found keeping a routine everyday helps. I get up, do some schoolwork, eat breakfast, workout, do some more schoolwork, and my family and I have been working on puzzles at night. I have written each of you a note and I will be mailing them shortly. Be on the lookout for them. Please sit down with a loved one and email me back at to let me know what you are up to. I also found you some great resources but the files are big so working on making them smaller so they will be easier to be upload for you to access.
Stay safe and I look forward to hearing from you all.
Miss Marren
Mrs. Hennessey is working on a letter to send to all her students in Room 12. She is searching for fun science projects and doing puzzles and games with her own family!
Mrs. Mendes is working on upcoming ELA units.... After that she would like to focus on science curriculum (maybe some sort of science project).
Mrs. Amico created Prodigy accounts for all her students. She can assign work and monitor progress remotely. Passwords and usernames have been uploaded to the Grade 1 page. Nice job, Mrs. Amico!
Miss Emmons came up with an idea to do a Math Word Problem of the Day featuring her pets! “Today I'm sending a problem featuring my pug Olive. My students last year, and now, know all about her and my cat Ivy, so I think they will get a hoot out of it.” Check out the Grade 3 Resources page and click on the link.
Mrs. Caruso and Mrs. Hamelers have been reaching out to our special education families to check in with them on how remote learning is going. If you haven’t heard from them, I’m sure you will next week. Mrs. Hamelers also reports that she tried the Living and Non-Living activity while walking the beach with her granddaughter Maya, who is in Mrs. Gallant's class. Two thumbs up!
Miss Anaya is working on finding a way for students to create an online journal to document their experiences with home learning.
Mrs. Drakopoulos has been busy homeschooling her 8-year-old son and trying to make learning "fun." She is helping him with math and reading and then looking on Pinterest for hands-on science experiments. Mrs. D. and her son also started a free online cooking class at They are also using the free Food Network Cooking App. Her son discovered that he really likes to cook! Aborn kids might like these cooking videos too!!! Here are some other pretty cool websites she has found:
And Mrs. Spiess? Yours truly has been learning how to create a website, blogging, sharing resources and ideas with others, scouring the web for information and ideas, and today I signed up for an online Professional Development class through ASCD. You're never too old to learn!
Wishing you continued health and well-being. Enjoy the weekend.
Mrs. Spiess
Emilio and Anrew enjoying a Family Fun Night
So nice to see you working hard Lincoln and all of the other students! We miss you all lots!
We needed a little bit of fresh air while social distancing. Ian is working hard on his reading and learning about Volcanoes with Bill Ney the science guy.
Hello to my students!
Lexiana, I loved your picture of enjoying the outdoors yesterday. I took a long walk with Olive and enjoyed the wonderful weather, too! So glad you are practicing your reading and math!
Maddie, I love all the creative activities that you are doing with your sister Lily and your Mom. Keep on dancing, girls!
Missing you all,
Ms. Emmons