March 25, 2020
Welcome to Day 8! And welcome to my Blog, if it's your first time here. During this pandemic, I am trying to write daily to stay connected with our Aborn families, friends, and anyone else who finds their way here. Today, instead of reflections or musings, I offer an article from Edutopia, a George Lucas Educational Foundation. I often find awesome videos and articles here. This one, although designed for students with special education needs, has universal application. Click the picture below for the article entitled:
Apps for Students With Special Needs—As School Buildings Shutter
The coronavirus creates a unique challenge for students with special needs—educators share recommendations for apps to support learning at home.
By Jayne Clare
March 20, 2020
There are a ton of technology tools at your disposal, but not everyone has access. That's OK. Most people have a phone with online capabilities. Many of these apps can at least give you creative ideas about how to engage with curriculum. Keep it simple. Sometimes less is more.
Here is another suggestion from Mrs. Gallant. Although this is designed for Kindergarten curriculum, it can be a fun activity for the entire family. You can also use it in conjunction with Miss Angus's garden tour videos, also on the K Resource page. Let us know how it goes! Again, if you don't have a printer, just create your own checklist with pencil and paper.
Be well my Aborn friends.
Mrs. Spiess
P.S. The governor just announced that schools will be closed through April, at least. As a district we are working hard to develop a plan for how we move forward in this new reality. Check back daily for updates!
Took a walk this week and saw signs of Spring! Under Kindergarten resources is a checklist. Print or copy, take a walk, and see how many you can find. I saw 8, can you beat me?
Zoom would be great for the kids! They are all missing their friends and teachers
Zoom would be awesome. I’m sure the kids would love to see their teachers.
That would be a great idea for the kids! I know our girls are missing their friends and teachers and just the whole school routine in general
I just created a Zoom account. The district is using Zoom to meet with us. Had our first session today. Pretty cool! Stay tuned for more information from the district as to how we are moving forward.